Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Dafna Meir z"l

Dafna Meir.
I cannot stop thinking about you.  I didn't know you and don't think I ever met you. I wish I did.  You were an inspiring incredible woman.

You had many hardships in life and a difficult childhood.  You could have felt sorry for yourself, make excuses, be angry at the world.  Yet you chose the opposite.  You chose to help others, to save lives, to bring new life into this world.

You chose to inspire women, to give others confidence, to lend a helping hand and ear.

I imagine you as the Shifra and Puah of this generation.  Courageous and confident in the face of fear.

You were painting your doorpost while you were murdered. Murdered in cold blood. The doorpost that the mezuzah is on, the one we place the Chanukia , a reminder and declaration of our faith and our Judaism.  God passed over the Jewish homes with doorposts stained by blood from the Paschal lamb. We cannot stop crying. Amazed at how you managed to save your children's lives while you were bleeding to death by your doorpost.

Your beautiful family who spoke so poignantly, touched all of our hearts.  Your husband lovingly described you as one in a million. He was grateful for every minute he had with you. Your beautiful redheaded daughter, Ranana, called you her best friend.

Your adoptive mother Atara, spoke about how you overcame your hardships. She recalled how she just recently asked you how do you accomplish so much?  And you answered so amazingly.  That you live your life as each day was your last.  That way you finish what you want to do and what you need to do.

We all have so much to learn from your very short life.  Even though you accomplished so much, you never took the credit.  You composed a beautiful prayer that God should always guide you and help you in your most amazing missions.

You are like Miriam the prophetess. Even in the darkest hour, Miriam believed in salvation.

We will never forget you Dafna.  We hope and pray that God will watch over your beautiful and special family and give them strength to move on.  Please pray for them and for all of us to have the final redemption speedily in our days.

May your beautiful pure soul rest in peace. תהי נשמתך צרורה בצרור החיים.

יהי רצון מלפניך, בורא העולם המנהלו בחסד וברחמים
שתזכה אותי לחלק תרופות לעמך ישראל הזקוקים לישועה
וגם לבני עמים אחרים הנמצאים תחת הטיפול המסור של שליחיך הנאמנים
העושים עבודת קודש בימים ובלילות, בשבתות ובחגים, ללא לאות
זכני נא להבין, לדעת ולזכור תמיד, כי התרופות הן מתנה ממך, ופועלות בשליחותך
זכני נא לחזות ולשמוח בהשפעתן המיטיבה של התרופות אותן אחלק לחולים ברחמים
זכני נא לתת את התרופות מתוך ריכוז, ומתוך הבנת מנגנון פעולת התרופה על המחלה
זכני נא להבחין בזמן בכל טעות, שלי או של חבריי, בשרשרת מתן התרופה, ולפעול במהירות לתיקונה
בטרם תגיע התרופה לגופו של החולה
זכני נא לפעול תמיד מתוך ענווה, ללמוד וללמד אחרים על ההצלחות והכשלונות בחלוקת התרופות
זכני נא לתת תרופות לחולים מתוך בריאותי האיתנה
ולהודות על כך שאיני נוטלת תרופות אלו בעצמי
זכני נא ללמוד להזדהות, מתוך בריאות, עם סבלו של החולה
ולעזור לו ככל יכולתי בכלים שאתה נותן לי יום יום ושעה שעה
May it be thy will, Creator of the World, who manages it with mercy and compassion,
that you entitle me to distribute medication to those of Israel, thy nation, who need to be rescued,
and also to those of the other nations who are receiving the treatment of your faithful messengers,
that keep up the holy work, day and night, on the Sabbath days and on holidays, tirelessly,
Please grant me the privilege to understand, to know and to always remember that the medicines are your gift, and act under your vocation,
Please grant me the privilege to observe and rejoice in the beneficial effects that these medicines, which I will distribute with mercy to the ill patients, will have,
Please grant me the privilege to distribute the medication while being aware and fully concentrated, and while understanding the underlying therapeutic mechanisms by which the medicine affects the disease,
Please grant me the privilege to notice any and every mistake and error, of my own and those of my friends in the line of medication distribution, and to act rapidly to correct it, before the medicine reaches the body of the ill patient,
Please grant me the privilege to always act humbly, to learn and teach others of the successes and failures in medication dispensing,
Please grant me the privilege to distribute medicine to ill patients from the state of my own robust and excellent health, and to give thanks for the fact that I, myself, am not taking those medications.
Please grant me the privilege to sympathize, from the standing point of my own health, with the ill patients and their suffering,
and to help them, in the very best way I can, with the tools that you give me, day after day and hour by hour.
dafna (1)

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