Wednesday, May 4, 2016


putting a key in the Challa- and it's all about Shabbat!
No Talking Lashon Hara

1)Yoni was sad and a note you did send,
Always try to be nice to your friend.
A child in your class broke a leg when he fell.
Go over to visit, go wish him well.
An older woman just got off the bus,
Give her your seat, get up without a fuss.
Give Tzedaka and help those who are poor,
You’ll feel even better than you did before.
If someone is sad, try to make him smile,
You’ll see that your efforts are really worthwhile.
Treat your friend like you want him to treat you,
If you know the answer, you just guessed this clue.

2) In the garden I grew a tree,
It seemed like I waited until eternity.
When will my tree bear its fruits?
I looked at the leaves and at all the roots.
The tree just grew but it still was bare,
I waited a year and another year.
But wait, now look a fruit came along,
Can I eat from one I waited oh so long…
No you can’t have from any of them,
These are the fruits that belong to Hashem.
You must have patience, you need to wait,
This teaches a lesson that is so great.
During the  Beit Hamikdash in the 4th year,
The fruits were taken to Yerushalyim and eaten there.
What is this called do you know?
If you do you are a parsha pro.

One of the most important mitzvot is “ Veahavta lereiacha kamocha, “love your friend as yourself.” The great Rav Hillel explains this to mean "What is hateful to you, do not do to your friend." Rabbi Akiva added, “Zeh klal gadol baTorah.” This is a great principle of the Torah, that man should love and treat everyone equally as he loves and treats himself. This, according to Rabbi Akiva is perhaps the most important Mitzvah and possibly the most difficult to observe.
Many times it is easier to see the faults of a person and not his good traits.  We don’t always take the time to tell someone how we appreciate them. We are quick to judge and are also quicker to tell someone their faults.  At your Shabbos table is a great way to teach the lesson of Veahavta Lereiacha kamocha.    Go around the table and have every person say something nice about each person.  You will see how good it feels when you say nice things to each other and see your siblings, parents and guests smile and feel good about themselves.
Don’t forget to continue to do that throughout the week.  Say nice things to your family, teachers, street cleaners, , friends and more.  It costs nothing, but you will feel like you are worth a million bucks!  
This week’s Parsha teaches us “Lifnei Iveir Al titein Michshol”.  This literally means not to put a stumbling block in front of a blind person.
The simple explanation for is that if you are leading a blind, don't purposely put something in his way or make him fall..
The real meaning of this mitzvah is that you should not try to trick someone or give them wrong advice.  For example if you offer someone a ride and then when he is not looking you leave without him.
Here is a fun game to play called blind man’s bluff.  Choose someone who will be blindfolded.    Cover his eyes with a scarf or towel and make sure he cannot see.  Then spin him around and stand next to him.  Have him get from point a to point b by explaining to him what to do.  He will be totally dependent on you.  You can try to put chairs and blocks along the way, but make sure you guide him to go around it.  This is a good parsha lesson!

This week’s mitzvah is a reminder that we don’t own our fields, or what grows there.  Everything belongs to Hashem. We are given the mitzvah to leave a corner of the field for those who are needy. The fallen fruit of your vineyard you shall not gather, for the poor…you shall leave them,” (Vayikra 19:10).  We learn the mitzvah of Peah and Shechicha.   Here is a great cake to make, although you will see it will be completely gone…

What you will need:
9x13 inch cake
Green food coloring
Candies that look like fruit
Chocolate rock candies (optional)
Plastic toy tree (optional)

Vanilla  Leket cake:
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup orange juice
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 vegetable oil
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 tbsp. baking powder
  1. Grease a 9x13 inch pan
  2. Preheat oven to 350degrees F.
  3. Using an electric mixer, beat the eggs.
  4. Gradually beat in the sugar, then the rest of the liquids.
  5. Beat in flour and baking powder.
  6. Pour the batter into the pan and bake for approximately 45 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean.
 When the cake has cooled, place the coconut into a plastic bag.  Add some drops of green food coloring and mix well.  Add more food coloring as needed, to make it look like grass.  Spread the coconut over the cake, making sure to cover the whole  thing.  Add the candies and tree on the corner of the cake.  You can add the rocks on the side as well.  Enjoy your sweet parsha treat :-)

This week’s Parsha teaches the mitzvah of Peah, leket and Shichicha.  What a perfect cake to remember about what each mitzvah is about.  Try to “leave some cake over” for everyone to have.

What you will need:
Orange Chiffon Cake
Green sour sticks
Frosting for writing and covering (optional)

Orange Chiffon Cake:
5 eggs separated
1 ¼ cup sugar
½ cup oil
Grated rind of 1 orange
1 cup orange juice
1 ½ cups flour
Powdered sugar- (optional) for the top
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Whip yolks with ¾ cup sugar until thick.
Pour in the oil slowly and continue whipping.
Add orange rind.  Slowly add flour with the orange juice, alternating between the 2.
In another bowl whip the whites and gradually add ½ cup sugar until it is firm.  Beat 1/3 of the egg whites into the batter, gently fold the rest.
Pour into oiled baking pan.
Bake 40 minutes until a toothpick inserted comes out clean.
Cool.  Decorate with powdered sugar or frosting.  Cut the sour sticks as shown in the picture to resemble, peah, leket and shichicha.
Answer to Parsha Puzzle:  (Vehahavta lereiacha Kamocha) 
  (Orlah.  You wait until the 5th year to be able to eat from them.  This teaches us to have patience and show that everything belongs to Hashem.
                                   Have a wonderful Shabbat!!

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