Saturday, February 11, 2012


     Ginzei Hamelech:

Ginzei Hamelech the King’s treasure chest,
We put in all this treasure, found only the best.
But the real hidden treasure is right in front you can see,
It is the chesed and care from friends and family.
Enjoy these rich treats, we hope that you have fun,
Wishing a Happy Purim to everyone!!

What you will need:
Chocolate coins, treasure chest box, necklace candy, any treat you desire.

     Hodu Vead Kush:

Achashveirosh had a lot of possessions- rechush,
He ruled from Hodu all the way until Kush.
So here for you is a kush- chocolate cake,
And a Hodu (Turkey) sandwich for you to take.
Wishing you happiness, and lots of good health,
Happy Purim to you and enjoy all your wealth.

What you will need:
Chocolate cake, Turkey Sandwich

      Shushan Habira:

127 lands Achashveirosh did own,
In Shushan Habira he sat on his throne.
Bira- the beer, and Shushan that’s the rose,
This is the theme that for this year we chose.
Enjoy your great Purim, time quickly passes,
And don’t forget; look at life through rose colored glasses!

 What you will need:
Beer, Chocolate rose, rose shaped muffin, rose colored glasses


Did you notice we have a theme?
Mazal of Adar is Dagim.
We even added extra spice,
We thought it would look very nice.
Munch on crackers with tuna fish,
And make sure to tovel the pretty dish.
We hope you like the things we sent,
We’re fishing for a compliment

What you will need:
Fish dish, fish spice, fish crackers, jelly fish, water.

  Vayimalei Haman Cheima:

Everyone bowed down to Haman except Mordechai,
He simply refused, he did not even try.
Vayimalei Haman cheima, he was angry what should he do?
Cheima also means butter, we prepared some with a roll for you.
Peanut butter, butternut squash and a butterfly you can see,
A Happy Purim to you and your whole family!

What you will need:
Peanut butter, butter, butternut squash muffins, butterfly...

Naddeda Shnat Hamelech:

The King couldn’t sleep, he was twisting all night,
Something he felt was just not quite right,
He asked his servants to bring his memory book,
He opened it up to have a good look.
He found out a story that he did not know why,
He never rewarded this man Mordechai.
Maybe he should have tried to count sheep,
And drink milk and cookies to fall back asleep.

What you will need:
milk, cookies, notebook.

Migadol vead Katan:
Achashveirosh made a party and invited everyone,
It tells us in the megilla- migadol vead katan.
BIG COOKIE, little cookie and the same with the wine,
BIG CHOCOLATE, little chocolate we think it’s divine.
So here is a little something it was not a BIG deal,
Have a wonderful Purim and enjoy your Purim meal!

What you will need:
big chocolate, little chocolate, big petit bars, little petit bars, big wine, little wine.

 Venahafoch Hu:

Etihw rehto eht dna kcalb syas eno fI,
Thgir syas eno dna gnorw syas eno fi
?od uoy nac tahw ?yas uoy dluohs tahw
!uh hcofahanev yas ffo ti hgual tsuj
Enjoy this opposite theme, and the inside out,
Because having fun on Purim is what it is all about.
(read this poem from right to left…)

 What you will need:
Bag to turn inside out, anything you want that you could put upside down or backwards.

I would love to hear your creations.  More to come...
Have a great week!


  1. great ideas! gonna use some for sure!

  2. Brilliant. Love it. Great ideas and the poems are the best!

  3. Really impressed! Kol Hakavod!

  4. Once on a Purim Meshulash, we made everything triangular. And the hamentashen were triple-chocolate: chocolate dough, chocolate filling, dipped in chocolate.

  5. These are the cutest ideas I have seen: they are REAL purim themes, heimish, do-able, creative, and simply make me want to smile. It's so refreshing to see these instead of the usual fancy-shmancy-need-a-toolbox-or-a-sewing machine-or a fine arts degree-ideas!!!!! and of course it always helps to be a cordon-bleu chef.....

    yesher koach!

    1. Thank you for the wonderful email! It made my day :-). Chodesh tov and enjoy!
      All the best. Ruchie

  6. I love your creative ideas,
    I have a bunch of colored jelly beans for meloach manot.
    Can somebody suggest a poem for a team with jelly beans, I know that Ether ate beans in the kings palace!
    thanks alot

    1. Very inspirational Mishloach Manot!

    2. LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't know which one to pick. Thank you!

  7. I bought a rose shaped pan and will be giving a beer and rose cake for a Shushan HaBira theme. I hope to use your poem with a few twists.
    My son wants to make Na Nach Mishloach Manos as in Sh Sha Shala Shalach manos packages. Got any ideas on how to do it?
