Tuesday, November 27, 2012


What is in store for us this week?  Read on and you will find out!                                                                    

  • Yaakov returns to Canaan and sends messengers ahead, to meet his brother Esav and make peace.
  • The messengers returned and announced that Esav is approaching with 400 men!
  • Yaakov was afraid and divided his camp into 2.  
  • Yaakov announced that if one group was taken into battle, the other should flee.
  • Yaakov prepared for battle in 3 ways:  Bearing gifts, praying, preparing for war.                     
  • Yaakov wrestles with an angel until dawn.
  • The angel dislocates Yaakov's sciatic nerve and causes Yaakov to limp.
  • Yaakov received a blessing from the Malach and his name was changed to Yisrael.
  • Esav and his army approach and Yaakov bows down to him seven times.
  • Esav runs to Yaakov and hugs and kisses him.
  • Esav offers to accompany Yaakov, but Yaakov declines.
  • Esav and Yaakov depart.
  • The Story of  Dina.
  • Shimon and Levi destroy the city of Shechem and save Dina.
  • Yaakov and his family continue towards Hevron.
  • Yaakov's beloved wife Rachel, dies on the way to Hevron, giving birth to their second son, Binyamin.
  • Yaakov buries her right there (in Bet Lechem).
  • Yitzchak dies at the age of 180.
  • Yaakov and Esav bury him in Mearat Hamchpela in Hevron.

In this week’s parsha we read about Yaakov and Eisav,
When they  first both met, it was not brotherly love.
Eisav the haughty, acted like a very big shot,
When Yaakov gave him a gift, he said “I have a lot.”

Yaakov was the opposite, he was happy without greed,
He said to Eisav modestly, “I have all that I need.”
Yaakov did not know what Eisav had in store,
So he davened, prepared a present, and then prepared for war.

Praying to God is the most important thing,
but it also is important to prepare for anything.
Yaakov brought his family when it was already night,
To the other side, and then he had a fight.

He had forgotten something, and that’s why he went back,
he did not even realize it, he was suddenly under attack.
Who fought with Yaakov and what did he forget?
And where did Yaakov cross, a place that’s really wet.

In this week’s parsha In an attempt to pacify Esav, Yaakov prepared him a lavish  gift.
You will need a jar and a lot of newspapers to play pass the present. 
Prepare parsha questions before Shabbat.   
Some examples:
Who was approaching Yaakov at the beginning of the Parsha?
How many men were with him?
What 3 things did Yaakov prepare?
How many times did Yaakov bow down to Eisav….

Wrap the jar with newspapers one layer at a time.  Place a parsha question in any layer of the newspaper.  Keep wrapping until you finish the newspapers. The players pass the present around the circle. Each person should remove a layer of newspaper.  If they receive a question they must answer it and then  remove another layer.  The parcel should be passed around the circle in the same direction. The player who removes the last layer of wrapping paper keeps the “present”.  (The jar that Yaakov forgot on the other side of the Yabok river.

Here is a great way for my father and I to learn a little bit of Parsha each week, even though we live far from each other. ( I like the play on words of Abba in the word Shabbat and Imabba meaning "with Abba" and Ima Abba written together!  Thanks Abba and Ima :-)!
After crossing the Jordan and  entering Canaan, it states: וַיָּבֹא יַעֲקֹב שָׁלֵם עִיר שְׁכֶם אֲשֶׁר בְּאֶרֶץ כְּנַעַן בְּבֹאוֹ מִפַּדַּן אֲרָם וַיִּחַן אֶת פְּנֵי הָעִיר. “Yaakov arrived shalem (שָׁלֵם) in the city of Shechem which is in the land of Canaan- having come  from Padan-aram – and he encamped before the city.” 
Shalem stands for: 
Shin- Shem, his name
Lamed- Lashon, his language
Mem- malbush, his clothing.

Even though Yaakov lived in Lavan's house, he still kept the mitzvot and his Jewish pride.  
It also states: 
I lived with Lavan and I kept the 613 mitzvot."  Im Lavan Garti " if you change the letters around in garti- you get taryag (613) mitzvot that Yaakov kept. 
Chazal, in Midrash Rabbah, teach that Bnei Yisrael merited redemption from Mitzrayim because of three things; they didn’t change their names, their style of dress and the language they spoke. 
What is interesting to note, is that in the beginning of the parsha, Esav was approaching Yaakov with 400 men.  Origianlly, the Jews were supposed to be enslaved for 400 years in Egypt.  Since they did not change, the same way their ancestor Yaakov did not change, they merited an early redemption.
From here we can learn that we must always try to be
positive role models to our children.  Even though sometimes it might seem like they are not learning, deep down they are learning from example.
My cousin's daughter needed some help coming up with a dvar torah for her Shabbaton.  She sent out an email to her family asking for their help.  She needed to find a connection between this week's parsha and priorities.  Here is a taste of what my cousin Simcha Goldberg answered!

Below is a definition. I think you want to go with #2.

The connection to this week's parasha is obvious. Yaakov divides his family/camp into multiple camps realizing that if one is attacked, the other will survive. It's not that he didn't love or care for both; it's that he had to face the reality of a hostile encounter with his brother.

When life sends you challenges and the options presented are not ideal, one still has to deal with each option. Prioritization means arranging your options so that you achieve what you feel will be the most positive outcome.


the state or quality of being earlier in time, occurrence, etc.

the right to precede others in order, rank, privilege, etc.; precedence.

3. the right to take precedence in obtaining certain supplies, services, facilities, especially during a shortage.

something given special attention.


In this week's parsha we find that Yaakov went to the other side of the Yabok river to fight with someone.  The pasuk states that Yaakov was left alone and a man wrestled with him until daybreak.  If he was left alone, how could someone have wrestled with him?

Maybe he was alone and he was wrestling with himself.  He might have seen his reflection in the river and been afraid of who he had become.  He might have been fighting with his physical and spiritual self.  He was becoming more of an Esav and enjoying his physical wealth, which then worried him and he now had to struggle to find the answers. 

Yaakov is really frightened, but at the same time he wants to overcome his fear.

When the Torah says he has a limp, maybe the memory  is a reminder for the future, of how hard this experience was for Yaakov. With a limp, he would never forget what he had learned. With the limp, he is weaker outside, but inside he is even stronger, since he was able to overcome his fear.

In this week’s parsha, Yaakov and Eisav hugged and Yaakov fought with the Malach in the night.  Here is a cake that tells the story.  Yaakov’s leg could have a little break, since he was injured by the gid hanashe.

You will need:
Peanut butter Chocolate delight
Cookie dough or fondant shapes

Peanut Butter Chocolate delight:

1 stick of margarine
2 cups peanut butter
2 cups of pettit bar cookies
4 cups powdered sugar

Crush the cookies and melt margarine and peanut butter together.  Blend cookies and sugar together.  Press in a 9x13 inch pan.

Melt a package of chocolate chips and 1 tablespoon of oil and pour on top of the mixture.  Put in the refrigerator until it hardens.

In the meantime prepare 4 people shapes from cookie dough  or fondant.  You can prepare a sword for Esav, stars and a moon to resemble the night.  Place the cookies in the oven (if you are using dough) (the people should be hugging each other) and bake according to the recipe.

You can have your cake and eat it too! Have a wonderful and fun Shabbat!    

On the right, Yaakov fighting with the angel in the dark (moon and star cookies) and on the left Esav and Yaakov hugging each other and the sword on the side...

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Parsha Points:

  • On His way to his Uncle Lavan's house, Yaakov has his famous dream.                                     
  • Yaakov takes 12 stones and puts them under his head before he goes to sleep. (The 12 stones turned into one).
  • Yaakov dreams that there is a ladder that stretches from the earth until heaven.
  • On the ladder the malachim are ascending and descending.                                                               
  • Hashem appears to Yaakov and  promises that he will protect him.                                                                    
  • Yaakov goes to Charan and meets Rachel at the well.                                                       
  • Yaakov knew that he was destined to marry Rachel.                                                              
  • Rachel ran back to tell her father Lavan that Avraham's grandson had arrived.                 
  • Yaakov contracts with Lavan to marry his daughter Rachel.  He agreed to work seven years, and then get her hand in marriage.
  • Lavan switches daughter's and secretly puts Leah instead of Rachel.
  • Yaakov has to work another seven years before marrying Rachel.
  • Yaakov loved Rachel more than Leah. 
  • Leah gave birth to Reuven, Shimon Levi and Yehuda.
  • Bilha (Rachel's maidservant) gives birth to Dan and Naftali.
  •  Zilpa (Leah's maidservant) gives birth to Gad and Asher
  • Leah gives birth to 3 more children, Yissaschar, Zevulun and Dina.
  •  After many years of being barren, Hashem grants a child to Rachel.  She names him Yosef.
  •  After 20 years, Hashem tells Yaakov that it is time to go back home.
  • Yaakov went to ask Lavan permission. 
  •  Rachel steals her father's idols without telling anyone.
  •  Yaakov flees from Lavan.
  •  Lavan catches up to him and asks him why he is running away and why did he steal      his idols.
  •  Yaakov, not aware that anyone took the idols announced that whoever stole the idols will die.
  •  Yaakov and Lavan separate.  Lavan goes back to Canaan and Yaakov goes to Eretz Yisrael.

 Parsha Puzzle:

Devorah, Adina, Nechama and Miri,
Were busy with the design.
Aliza, Malka, Yehudit, Lior, and Chedva,
Worked hard to reach the deadline.

Esti, Sara, Daniella, and Raizy,
Worked together as a team.
Talya, Nitzan, Shoshana, and Avigayil,
Wanted to fulfill their big dream.

Morah Tzippy gave them a project,
And somehow they had to try.
To design an item or object,
That somehow could reach the sky.

Rachel, Ruchie, Racheli and Rochel,
Put their heads together in thought.
Can they think of something unique?
From all of the things they were taught.

The big day finally came,
It was such an exciting day.
All of the girls together,
Had to prepare their display.

There were planes, rockets and gadgets,
Birds, kites and fancy cars.
One of the groups prepared,
All kinds of shooting stars.

Rachel, Ruchie, Racheli and Rochel,
Were forgotten amongst all the rest,
All they had with them was a ladder,
They thought that their answer was best.

Can you look in your Chumash,
And find out 2 things from this rhyme,
What does this have to do with the parsha?
Can you guess the answer this time? (answer on the bottom...)

Playing with the Parsha: 

Here is something fun to play.  Before Shabbat, prepare random words from the Parsha. (i.e. dudaim, naftulay, be'er,vayashk etc... Place Chumashim on the table and have a race at the table who could find the word and the pasuk first.  This gets everyone into the parsha (literally :-).  Have fun!!

Here is a great way for my father and I to learn a little bit of Parsha each week, even though we live far from each other. ( I like the play on words of Abba in the word Shabbat and Imabba meaning "with Abba" and Ima Abba written together!  Thanks Abba and Ima :-)!

  • In this week's Parsha it says about Yaakov,  "Vayeitze" and "vayelech."  Why does it say he went out and he went?  The two seem redundant. We learn from here that Yaakov was torn.  His father told him to go out to find a bride and his mother told him to run away from his brother Eisav.  The 2 words show that he listened to both of his parents and had kibbud horim.
  • We know the famous story that Yaakov put his head down on 12 rocks (the 12 shvatim) and they were all fighting and it turned into one stone.  Why did the one stone not quarrel?  Yaakov should put his head on my corner, or no he should put it on mine...  This shows us, that when everyone unites together, and there is unity, Achdut, then there are no quarrels.
  • The gematria of Sulam is mamon= money.  If you use money wisely,for tzedaka, mitzvot, then you will reach "hashamayma" towards heaven.  If you do not use it wisely, then  you will be on the ground, like an ostrich with his head in the sand.
  • "Hinei Sulam mutzav artzah" behold the ladder is on the ground.  The word Hinei in Hebrew is spelled the same forwards and backwards.  When you use a ladder you can turn it either way and use it.  Notice how you need to lean a ladder against something to hold it up.  The same is true of human beings.  You need other people to lean on.  One gives to the other and one should always care and help the other person out.  If you place a ladder straight without it leaning on anything it will not be useful, so too, you should bend sometimes and be flexible.

 Parsha Cake:

In this week’s Parsha, Yaakov has his famous dream where he sees angels climbing and descending a ladder to Heaven.  We are familiar with the Medrash (quoted by Rashi) that relates how Yaakov gathered the stones and placed them around his head. The stones began quarreling with one another. "I want the tzaddik to place his head on me!" "No, I want him to rest his head on me!" Hashem performed a miracle and the 12 stones combined into one.
You can make 12 chocolate balls to resemble the 12 stones.  You can add one big one with the leftover dough.  You will have a ball making these- and then eating them up!

You will need:
Chocolate Ball Recipe
Round cake (to lean the ladder)
Toy ladder or ladder made from cookie dough
Man cookie or figure

Chocolate Ball recipe:

·         1 pound (500 grams) chocolate biscuit cookies
·         1 cup (2 sticks) margarine
·         100 grams bittersweet chocolate
·         1 cup sugar
·         6 tablespoons cocoa powder
·         1 teaspoon instant coffee granules
·         1/3-1/2 cup soy milk
1. In a food processor, grind biscuit cookies into finely crushed crumbs.
2. Melt chocolate and margarine in the microwave for about 1-2 minutes.
3. Using an electric mixer, combine biscuit crumbs with melted chocolate and margarine, sugar, cocoa powder and coffee granules.
4. Add the soy milk  slowly.
5. Shape the mixture into balls (1-2 tablespoons of mixture per ball).
6. Roll each ball into sprinkles or coconut.
7. Chill in the refrigerator.

How to assemble:
Lean the ladder on the cake.  Place the 12 balls on the side of the cake and lay “Yaakov” on top of them.  Enjoy your heavenly treat!

Have a wonderful and relaxing Shabbat!  Ruchie :-)

Answer to Parsha puzzle:   (Yaakov 's dream: There was a ladder set on the ground and its top reached the heavens. Vayeitzei 28:12 and the second part is found in Vayeitzei 30:22 when Hashem “remembered” Rachel and she had a child.)

Monday, November 12, 2012

TOLDOT and Parsha Cakes...

Wishing everyone a wonderful month ahead filled with all good things!Happy Rosh Chodesh Kislev!
Happy birthday LE7 :-)!

Soup of the Week:

What a great week to make a nice pot of lentil soup!
1 cup lentils
2 medium potatoes, peeled and diced small
2 medium carrots, peeled and diced
2 stalks of celery, diced small
1 onion, diced small
3 Tablespoons crushed garlic
10 cups of water
1 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. black pepper
Place everything in the pot.  Cover and bring to a boil.  Reduce and simmer until the lentils are tender, about 45 minutes.

Parsha Points:
  • Yitzchak was 40 years old when he married Rivka. 
  • Yitzchak and Rivka pray for children.
  • Rivka is pregnant with twins after 20 years of not being able to have children!
  • She gave birth to twins. 
  • The firstborn, Esav was red and hairy.
  • Yaakov is smooth and he is holding his brother's heel (ekev) and so he is called Yaakov.
  • Esav became a hunter, and Yaakov sat and learned Torah.
  • Yitzchak favors Esav and Rivka favors Yaakov.

  • Esav returned from hunting starving and exhausted.  He found Yaakov cooking a pot of lentil soup.
  • Esav sells his birthright to Yaakov for a pot of lentil soup.
  • There is a famine in Canaan.  Hashem tells Yitzchak to stay and promises him that his children will multiply into a great nation and inherit the land of Canaan.
  • Yitzchak settles in Grar (Plishtim).
  • Yitzchak tells Avimelech that Rivka is his sister. (Déjà vu?)
  • Avimelech finds out the truth and promises to protect Yitzchak and Rivka.
  • Yitzchak becomes very wealthy which leads to jealousy amongst the Plishtim.
  • Yitzchak moves to Beer Sheva.
  • At the age of 40 Esav married two Chitti women.
  • Yitzchak becomes old and is blind.
  • Yitzchak told Esav that he wants to bless him, but he should first go into the field and hunt for food.
  • Rivka overheard this and told Yaakov to go get the bracha for the firstborn.
  • She prepared for Yaakov goat skin since he was smooth and his brother was hairy. She placed the goat skin on Yaakov's arm and neck so Yitzchak would feel him and think it is Esav.
  • Yitzchak claims "The voice is the voice of Yaakov, but the hands are the hands of Esav."
  • Yitzchak blesses Yaakov with spiritual and material gain.
  • Esav returns from the fields waiting to receive his bracha and then realizes it is too late.
  • Yitzchak gave Esav a bracha that Yaakov's bracha will only come true if Bnei Yisrael keep the Torah and Mitzvot.
  • If Bnei Yisrael do not then Esav will overrule.
  • Yaakov escapes from Esav's wrath and goes to Charan where he will stay by Lavan, his mother's brother.  
  • He is sent to Charan to search for a wife.
 Stay tuned next week as we find out, what happens to Yaakov........     

Parsha Puzzle:   
Yael Bracha and Racheli  had a class trip,
They were going to go to the store,
To buy candies and treats to take along with them,
And they picked up Tziporah next door.

They went to look around the shop,
They were not sure what they should buy,
Candies, cookies, pretzels, or gum,
Danishes or an apple pie.

Morah Chana said they could choose 3 different treats,
But that would be really so tough,
How can you choose only 3 items,
When you see all this really great stuff.

So they each chose 3 things, it took them some time,
And they all knew the golden rule,
Whatever you bring you share with the class,
They learned that at home and at school.

Yael Bracha was on line and she had an idea,
She ran back to the candy aisle,
She found what she wanted and got so excited,
She took almost the entire pile.

The girls looked at her and were quite surprised,
When they saw lots of small round red candy,
How do you think this is good for the trip,
How could you think this is handy?

Well I love lentil candy and this is just right,
And we are now going to go buy this whole batch,
But one thing she thought to tell all her friends,
To get some there’s only one catch.

They had to open their Chumash to this week’s parsha,
And in it they had to find,
The pasuk that states who bought what from whom,
And what was it that was on her mind…

Playing with the Parsha: 
In this week’s parsha Yitzchok calls Yaakov over and feels his skin. He says "the voice is Yaakov's voice, but the hands are the hands of Esav!"  Here is a fun game to play.  Blindfold one person who will be “it”.  It walks around the room blindfolded and tries to catch someone.  When he does, he has to “feel” the person and then try to guess who it is.  He could describe what he is feeling.  For example:  this person has a big kippa, this person has a watch etc...  Everyone could get a chance to be it.  When everyone had a turn, the first person is blindfolded again.  This time, someone tries to mimick their voice and “it” has to guess who it is.
Was it hard to guess?  How were you able to guess who it is?  If it was hard to guess someone, why was it hard.

Here is a great way for my father and I to learn a little bit of Parsha each week, even though we live far from each other. ( I like the play on words of Abba in the word Shabbat and Imabba meaning "with Abba" and Ima Abba written together!  Thanks Abba and Ima :-)!

This week's Parsha tells us the story of Rivka Imeinu and how  when she was pregnant, the children agitated within her.  She was nervous and worried when this happened.  The posuk continues to state, "2 nations are in your womb.... and the elder shall serve the younger."  

Rivka relaxed when she heard the news that she was pregnant with twins.  She could not understand all the commotion going on inside of her when she was pregnant with only one. Now it was clear why she was feeling this way.

We all know the story about the twins fighting inside of her.  Meforshim say that when she passed by a synagogue, Yaakov would want to come out and when she passed by an unholy place, Esav tried to come out.  The conflicts between the two brothers were already there in the womb.  

The question is, if Yaakov was learning with a malach inside the womb, why was he so desperate to come out?  This teaches us that even in a place of holiness it is difficult to be with an Eisav.  One must always try to be surrounded by good influences.

Some miforshim say that we are each born with the characteristics of a Yaakov and an Eisav. We have to work hard and try our best to be the best that we can be.

Parsha Dessert

This week’s Parsha welcomes twins into the world- Yaakov and Eisav.  I bought lentil candies and put it in a soup bowl.  I added pacifier candies for newborn babies. 

Another fun way to wish them a happy “birth” day is  by making them a birthday cake. 

If you have time, you can make cookies in the shape of people and attach one cookie’s hand to the heel of the other.  You can add red hands (out of licorice or sour sticks attached by marshmallow fluff) to Eisav.

Have fun and be creative with your birthday cake!

Wishing you a wonderful and fun Shabbat!  
You can follow my blog to receive it weekly.
I would love to hear your ideas and comments.
Take care.  

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Parshat Chayei Sara


We left off  last week's Parsha with Avraham's final tenth test- will he sacrifice his son?...

What is in store for us this week?
  •  Sarah dies at the age of 127. 
  • Avraham searches for a place to bury his beloved wife. 
  • Avraham found a plot of land belonging to Ephron the Hittite.
  • Ephron offers the  plot of land  to Avraham as a gift, but Avraham refuses to take the gift and pays 400 dunam for the land.
  • Avraham buries Sarah in the Cave of Machpela in Hebron.
  • Avraham sends his faithful servant Eliezer back to Charan, to find a suitable wife for his son  Isaac. (thanks Ayelet ;-)
  • Avraham made Eliezer swear that he would not take a wife for his son from the local Canaanite women.
  • Eliezer  sets out for his journey and arrives by the city well. 
  • He prays to God  for success in finding the right girl for Yitzchak.
  • He requests a drink of water, and the one who would answer: "Certainly, and I'll also give your   camels to drink as well," would be the proper choice for Isaac. 
  • Rivka approached the well and sure enough she ran to give Eliezer and his camels to drink.
  • Rivka turned out to be Avraham’s great niece and this was a perfect match!  “Mazal tov”! 
  •  Rivka ran back to tell her family and her brother Lavan came out to greet Eliezer and invited him to spend the night.
  •   Eliezer recounts the day’s events to Rivka’s family and they agreed to the match.
  • Rivka accepts to return to marry Yitzchak.
  • Avraham remarries Keturah (who mefarshim say is Hagar)  and passes away at the age of 175.
  • Yitzchak and Yishmael bury him in Mearat Hamachpela next to his wife Sara.
  •  Yishmael passes away at the age of 137.

We light the Shabbat candles,
every Friday night,
And now here comes the Shabbat Queen,
with our house all filled with light.

We sing Shalom Aleichem,
Greeting angels, then drinking wine,
Then we wash, Hamotzi, have some Challa
And everything looks so fine.

The food all smells delicious,
The challa, chicken, kugel, Parsha cake,
We can’t wait to taste all the delicacies,
That our mother worked hard to make.

Everything looks so beautiful,
We all see a special shine,
The work is all done, now we rest,
And our mother looks like she is on cloud nine.

Now that I have your attention,
You will see it lo and behold,
Can you guess the riddle for this week?
The clues are written in bold.

One more thing I will give you a clue,
When Sara died some things disappeared,
But when Rivka got married to Yitzchak,
These things suddenly reappeared.


In this week’s Parsha we learn that Rivka gave water to Eliezer and to his camels to drink.  Let us see if it is easy to fill a pail of water…

You will need:  
 2 pails, one filled with water
 Plastic cups      
Place a bucket full of water at the front of the line and an empty bucket at the rear. The object of the game is to transfer the water from the front bucket to the rear bucket. To do this the each person must pass the cups of water over their heads to the person behind them.
  Empty cups must be passed back to the front the same way.
Discuss  the chesed that Rivka did by providing water.  It was not an easy task, yet she ran to do so. 
Don’t forget to offer someone a glass of water when they enter your home.  If someone is cleaning the yard, a mailman or anyone else, you will make them very happy.

Here is a great way for my father and I to learn a little bit of Parsha each week, even though we live far from each other.  
( I like the play on words of Abba in the word Shabbat, and Imabba meaning "with Abba" and Ima Abba written together!  The word bat is in there too, so it is complete :-)!  Thanks Abba and Ima :-)!

In this week's Parsha, Avraham Avinu went to look for a buriel plot for Sarah. When Avraham approached Ephron to inquire, the people of Hittite were standing around him. What did Ephron answer? " I have given you the field, and as for the cave that is in it, I have given it to you,: in the view of the children of my people have I given it to you, bury your dead."   But later on when no one was around  Ephron said to Avraham, "The land is worth 400 silver shekel- between me and you- what is it?  Bury your dead." 
How did Ephron arrive at the number 400?  He said to Avraham ""between me and you- what is it?"  The middle letter in Avraham's name is resh = 200.  The middle letter of Ephron is also resh which equals 200.  So this is where he got the number 400. Between me and between you, the letter resh. 

Parsha Treat

Here is a cake resembling the well.  You will see how WELL everyone will finish this treat!

You will need:
1 chocolate cake baked in a bundt pan
2 skewers (shipudim)
1 small glass cup- to place in the middle
A bit of whipped cream with blue food coloring mixed in
(or blue Jello) to resemble water
Colored paper to fold on top
A toy  camel or jug to decorate.

WELL, there you have it!

Wishing you a wonderful and relaxing Shabbat!  Ruchie